Participate in Our Research!

HCC is creating an inspiration-based rating system that categorizes content into positive emotional states across various films and television shows which will give rise to greater awareness of the beneficial impacts media can have on individuals and society as a whole. 

Research in media psychology has shown that content that evokes transcendent emotions (e.g., compassion, inspiration, gratitude, hope) can positively impact viewers’ well-being. More specifically, the rise of transcendent emotions can increase viewers’ altruistic motivation and encourage pro-sociality, morality, spirituality, and connection with those around them.   

Our rating system will not only be used to help audience members increase their understanding of positive emotional experiences in media, but will also provide us with important data to present to creators, demonstrating insight as to how people are feeling and want to feel when consuming media.

With this information, we are able to use empirical data to inform industry members about how they may approach their creative process differently, with individual and societal well-being in mind.

We Need You!

Our rating system is powered by you. We want to know your thoughts!

Take a moment to browse the TV shows, movies, and documentaries below. Then, by clicking on the button below the media you select, you will be taken to a short 30-second survey where you can share your thoughts with us!

Your answers to the questions below are completely anonymous!

Science and Nature Documentaries

Sport Documentaries
