With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

The entertainment industry was born from the desire to…well, entertain. Entertainment careers that thrive are those that have the ability to accurately define what audiences want and make people feel entertained while promoting a good time. However, as media is starting to consume every moment in our everyday lives, it is becoming increasingly necessary to think about the power the industry has in impacting millions of people’s lives by the content they create. 

 As stated in the recent blockbuster, Spiderman: No Way Home, “with great power comes great responsibility.” Research suggests a symbiotic relationship between media content and audiences’ views about the world in which we live in. We use entertainment and social media as the basis for how we make judgments about others, how we should act, and how we view our roles in society. Thus, creators have the power to shape the world around them into whatever they would like it to be. And, with this power comes the responsibility to be aware of how the entertainment industry’s art can shape global human society. 

 Why should I care about this?

 The entertainment industry has a unique, cost-effective method for reaching millions of viewers at a given time. With this easy accessibility to large audiences comes the power to shape the minds of millions, thus enabling creators to change the world around them. So, all in all, this giant impact and reach that the industry has not only generates profit for the masterminds behind the scenes, but also gives society thought-provoking, entertaining content to discuss with friends, family members, and anyone else in their social networks.

 This means: Creators have the power to make an impact AND make money!

 Media effects scholars have long recognized the power of mass media to affect audiences' negative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, but, what about potential positive effects?

Turns out, positivity sells just as well! Research demonstrates that videos that make audiences feel positive emotions (such as transcendence, awe, or joy) are more likely to be shared with others. Additionally, the more that inspiring YouTube videos contained elicitors of hope, the more likely they were to have been viewed a great number of times. These findings are interesting for content creators looking to create “viral” content and consumers alike. But if we think about the impact of media on the consumer, it is good to know that inspiring content, particularly the kind that could benefit our well-being in the long run, can go viral.

 Research in psychology—including work conducted by Greater Good Science Center founding director Dr. DacherKeltner from the University of California, Berkeley — shows that there is a specific set of elicitors that are consistently associated with inspiration. These include things like beautiful nature, art, vastness, religious traditions or symbols, gifts, and kindness. We can also be inspired when we see other people—including media characters—expressing an appreciation for beauty or excellence, acting thankful, or portraying exceptional skills, encouragement, perseverance, and triumph over setbacks. Research shows that feeling inspired has a direct impact on our well-being, which makes it an important experience to seek out for those striving to live a fulfilled life.

 So, if you are able to create content that makes audiences feel inspired, you will ultimately make more of an impression on viewers who will then be motivated to share your content with others to see and will in turn make a positive impact on both society and your wallet.


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